Two formidable and successful fighters, Rapture and Peter, collide in this hard hitting mixed fighting contest. These powerful and worthy combatants attack with punches to the face and body. The bigger Rapture knocks her foe down with a vicious strike to the chin then locks in a tight rear naked. She transitions that into a devastating head scissors then batters Peter with brutal belly punches. Clearly dazed Peter is again knocked down with roundhouse kicks before he is finished off for good with standing head scissors and head punches.
Peter vows revenge and promises this second match will be different but Rapture is sure she will kick his ass. This time Pete is the aggressor knocking his rival to her knees with head and body blows then trapping her in a controlling full nelson. Rapture flexes her muscular body to break free but Mike proves to be too tough. Rapture is knocked down again and trapped in a rear naked until she must submit. This sets the stage for the rematch to see who will emerge victorious. 12 minutes of fierce mixed fighting action.
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