Amazon bodybuilder Rapture towers over Gianni, flexing her huge biceps, but Gianni is not intimidated. Although not as tall as his female opponent, he is still very strong and formidable, especially if matters boil down to grappling. But this fight doesn't start out well for him as Rapture batters him with hard punches to the face and belly as well as kicks to the ribs and head. He is trapped in a devastating sleeper hold before a brutal head scissor has him gasping for breath. He is put down with a series of kicks, punches and elbows then submitted with a dominating victory pose. Gianni is a trained fighter, used to taking heavy punishment, and he fights back with powerful belly punches and kicks to the stomach before a vicious sleeper hold/body scissor combination submits Rapture. Things didn't quite go as Rapture anticipated so she comes back the next day intent on revenge and gets just that! Gianni is pummeled with punches and kicks before a tight standing head scissors has Gianni seeing stars. She traps him between her powerful thighs then flexes her muscular glutes before finishing him off for good with body scissors, kicks and foot stomps after 13 minutes of fierce mixed fighting action.
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